Transformer Oil


Home/Transformer Oils/TRANSFASH-50

Transformer Oil, TRANSFASH-50, produced from TOBS/TOFS or any other suitable imported base stock by latest innovative process, has Consistenc and Durability. TRANSFASH-50 conforms to IS : 335/1993 with latest amendments and also to international standards BS 148 (CL/I), DIN51507, ASTM D/3487 and KSC 2301.

TRANSFASH-50 has over 500 satisfied customers spread throughout the country which includes Transformer manufacturers. Large public sector industries, Government organizations and Defence establishments etc.


Transformer Oil

• Salient Features

  • Good resistance to high electrical stress: High di-electric strength. High gas absorption. No gas evolved under electrical stress.
  • Good di-electric properties: Low dissipation factor. High specific resistance.
  • Good stability against Oxidation: Longer Service life prevents sludge and acid formation. Longer trouble free operation. Heat Transfer not interfered due to non-sludging characteristics.
  • Low viscosity enable free circulation.
  • Low volatility or lower evaporation losses
  • Low pour point ensures flowability and easy handling at sub zero ambient temperature.
  • High flash point to eleminate fire risk and hazards.
  • Free from corrosive compounds.
  • Highly refined. Totally eliminates aromatic and sulphur content.
  • Excellent thermal properties for efficient heat transfer and cooling.


Tashoil, the flaggship of Tashkent Group, having capacity to produce more than 200 Lac Litres of oil. More...


Sustainable growth with consistancy in quality promoting regular satisfied customers followed by continual. More...


  • Ms. ABC Bearings Ltd.
  • Balmer Lawire -Van Leer Ltd.
  • Indian Petro Chemicals Ltd.

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Tashkent Oil Company Pvt. Ltd.

84 - GIDC Industrial Estate Nandesari, District: vadodara - 391340, Gujarat (INDIA) | Phone : +91-265-3095368