Industrial Oil Products

Industrial Oils

Metal Working Fluids

Water Soluble Cutting Oil

Water Soluble Oil 460

Grinding Oil G - 25 EPC

Grinding Oil G - 25

G - 25

D - 05

Neat Cutting Oil

Dual Prpose Oil

Honing Oil 05 - 10

Gun / Ejector Drilling Oil

Synthetic Cutting Oil

Lubrash Dp – 2

Home/Industrial Oils/Lubrash Dp – 2

Neat Cutting Oil

Lubrash DP – 2 is a specially formulated for dual purpose oil whose appreciation has been optimized to suit as a Industrial Lubricants as well as neat cutting fluid further to enhance & balance its properties. It has been fortified with both viscosity index improver as well as straight cutting oil additives package so that oil will continue to hold a thin film even under extreme pressure & temperature conditions.


Tashoil, the flaggship of Tashkent Group, having capacity to produce more than 200 Lac Litres of oil. More...


Sustainable growth with consistancy in quality promoting regular satisfied customers followed by continual. More...


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Tashkent Oil Company Pvt. Ltd.

84 - GIDC Industrial Estate Nandesari, District: vadodara - 391340, Gujarat (INDIA) | Phone : +91-265-3095368